FAQ for academic institutions
When does the ABC take place?
Due to its international character the ABC takes place annually from April to November. As a university or college you can select during which month you participate for 30 days. The active period is from day 1-30 each month.
Who is allowed to participate?
All staff members and students of participating universities and colleges. The ABC is open to all academic institutions.
Which academic disciplines does the ABC involve?
The ABC addresses all academic disciplines as well as the academic administrations of universities and colleges. See our list of disciplines ...
Which leaderboard categories does the ABC provide?
The ABC provides 8 different leaderboard types within the app as well as here on the website. See the ABC leaderboards ...
How does the ABC work in detail?
For staff and students as well as for universities and colleges participating is easy. For detailed background information about the mode of operation read the Terms and Conditions for Academic Institutions ...
What kind of input is required from our university or college?
The input list is clear and easily manageable. You'll find it here ...
Is participation free of charge?
For your staff and students participation is free. For universities we provide an offer on request. By accepting this offer, universities contribute to covering the costs of the ABC.
What are the ABC rules for participants?
Please find all rules for participating staff and students here ...
What is the difference between the ABC and other cycling contests?
The ABC is unique due to its clear and specific focus on academic institutions. For example the ABC allows the selection of an academic discipline for all participants, so that these disciplines will be comparable worldwide and at university level. The ABC is an international challenge involving academic institutions from all continents. For the first time, academic institutions are able to perform cycling activities commonly on a global scale. Not least, the ABC creates international visibility for your university, combined with the positive and future-oriented image of cycling. The ABC sets a global example for cooperation and climate protection.
Does the ABC support our university or college in the field of communication?
Yes. As a university, you are responsible for informing your employees and students about the ABC and for motivating them to participate. We support you with several media templates for your communication. Learn more ...
Who organises the ABC?
The ABC team located at beemo GmbH, a spin-off enterprise of German Münster University of Applied Sciences. We are also the provider of the global bicycle App 'Naviki'. Learn more about us ...
What is the connection between the ABC and Naviki?
We provide the Naviki app for all ABC participants in order to record bicycle trips and to view the up-to-date ABC leaderbords. In general, Naviki is a comprehensive bicycle app providing route planning and navigation for cycling. ABC participation within the Naviki app is free.
What about privacy and data protection?
To give you a better understanding about what data is collected and processed when participants use the Naviki app to participate in the ABC, we have compiled a Privacy Overview. From a more formal point of view, please see our official privacy policy, which is part of our legal notice.
Where are participants allowed to record cycled trips?
For the ABC, it does not matter where participants cycle. Every trip counts, anywhere. If someone's university or college is in country A it is no problem if a participant cycles in country B.
The ABC is a great campaign – is it possible for our university or college to join?
Sure, your university or college is welcome to participate. Please get in touch in order to clarify the next steps.
Further questions?
Don't hesitate to contact us or visit our FAQ page for participants.