Press releases for distribution by your university's press office

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[University] taking Part in Worldwide Cycling Contest "Academic Bicycle Challenge" in [month] 2025

Easy participation for students and staff

Enthusiastic cycling is the motto at [university] in [month]. During the whole month [university] is taking part in the international Academic Bicycle Challenge (ABC), competing with many universities located in different countries from all over the world. The common goal is to cycle as much as possible, commuting and in leisure. Collected miles will be presented in leaderboards for individuals, self-created teams, academic disciplines and universities as a whole. „We're much looking forward to the ABC and we're proud to join this worldwide action. The more students and staff members participate, the better and more exciting for everybody“,  ……………….., [position] of [university] says.

Students and staff members can easily participate by downloading the smartphone app "Naviki", activating ABC participation in the app settings and recording all trips they take by bike. Optionally they can create their own team of friends or colleagues. All cycled trips automatically count. Corresponding leaderboards within the app allow for a university-wide and international comparison. It will be possible to see, whether for instance psychologists or engineers cycle most worldwide and at [university].

Beyond fun and an exciting challenge [university] also commits to serious goals such as healthy exercise, improving local traffic and climate protection. „We invite all students and staff members to join the ABC. Pedal for your fitness and for our environment! Collect miles for yourself and your team, your discipline and for our university“, ……………….. points out.


The Academic Bicycle Challenge (ABC) is the new international cycling contest for academic institutions. It is open to universities and colleges worldwide. All Students and staff members can easily join the ABC. The challenge aims to reward universities and colleges, academic disciplines, user-generated teams and individuals cycling most. For participating academic institutions the ABC lasts one whole month between April and November. In recent years, more than 70 universities from all over the planet participated. 
In the following years the organisers want to widen the ABC significantly. The overall goal of the ABC is to strengthen the awareness of the bicycle as a comprehensive means of transportation for everyday life and leisure activities. This will have positive effects as to sustainable mobility and climate protection. The ABC intentionally involves today's students as future decision makers. The German beemo GmbH, a spin-off enterprise founded at Münster University of Applied Sciences, created the ABC. beemo also provides the free Naviki app for the ABC. Further information: